Białystok, 26-28 maja: Młodzi naukowcy
Jako jeden ze sponsorów serdecznie zapraszamy w maju do Białegostoku na kongres młodych naukowców.
Zachęcamy do wzięcia czynnego udziału, poprzez prezentację prac.
Tematyka prac: interdyscyplinarne, kardiologia, ortopedia, pediatria i wiele innych!
Are you a medical student or researcher looking to share your work with the a broader community?
We invite you to submit an abstract for consideration at our upcoming medical conference:
17th Bialystok International Medical Congress for Young Scientists
When? 26-28 of May 2023
Where? Faculty of Health Sciences Medical University of Bialystok
We’re thrilled to announce that the registration for our upcoming conference is now open!
This is a fantastic opportunity to present your research, share your expertise, and connect with peers from around the world. By submitting an abstract, you’ll have the chance to showcase your work to a diverse audience of medical professionals and researchers, and receive valuable feedback and insights.
We welcome abstracts on a wide range of topics related to medical research and practice, including:
� Basic Sciences
� Cardiology
� Interdisciplinary
� Internal Diseases
� Gynecology and Obstetrics
� Public Health and Pharmacy
� Anesthesiology and Surgery
� Orthopedics
� Pediatrics
� Neurology and Psychiatry
� PhD Session
� Case Reports
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact our team
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